Datasheet 4LAC 10H33100

Datasheet Description

4LAC 10H33100 is a MFI 30 FR-V0 ABS

Technical Data

General Property Test Procedure Units Value Dry - (Cond.)
Melt Flow Rate (220°C, 10kg) ***** ***** *****
Shrinkage ***** ***** *****
Specific Gravity ***** ***** *****
Water Absorption (24Hrs - 50% RH, 23°C) ***** ***** *****
Thermal Property Test Procedure Units Value Dry - (Cond.)
Deflection Temperature @ 0.45 Mpa ***** ***** *****
Deflection Temperature @ 1.8 Mpa ***** ***** *****
Vicat Softening Temperature - 50N ***** ***** *****
Mechanical Property Test Procedure Units Value Dry - (Cond.)
Izod Impact, Notched, +23°C ***** ***** *****
Tensile Modulus 5mm/min, +23°C ***** ***** *****
Tensile Strain @ Break, 5mm/min, +23°C ***** ***** *****
Tensile Stress @ Break 5mm/min, +23°C ***** ***** *****
Electrical Property Test Procedure Units Value Dry - (Cond.)
Flammability Rating 1.6mm ***** ***** *****
Flammability Rating 3.2mm ***** ***** *****
Glow Wire Test - 2mm plaque ***** ***** *****

This information and our technical advice - whether verbal, in writing or by way of trials - are given in good faith but without warranty, and this also applies where proprietary rights of third parties are involved. Our advice does not release you from the obligation to verify the information currently provided - especially that contained in our safety data and technical information sheets - and to test our products as to their suitability for the intended processes and uses. The application, use and processing of our products and the products manufactured by you on the basis of our technical advice are beyond our control and, therefore, entirely your own responsibility. Our products are sold in accordance with the current version of our General Conditions of Sale and Delivery.

Test Values: Unless specified to the contrary, the values given have been established on standardized test specimens at room temperature. The figures should be regarded as guide values only and not as binding minimum values. Kindly note that, under certain conditions, the properties can be affected to a considerable extent by the design of the mould/ die, the processing conditions and the colouring.

4PLAS LTD, 812 Fountain Court Birchwood Boulevard, Birchwood, WARRINGTON, WA3 7QZ, UK

+44 870 446 0424